About Us
Stacia Mohr - President
If there's something I am particularly passionate about, it's marketing. You need a strong brand. You need to hit the right audience with the perfect message at the exact time. You need to have confidence in the team who leads you. I have been marketing since before I knew what the word meant. It has always come naturally to me. My professional background includes strategy, event planning, media buying, fundraising and sales. For many years, I have worked for large companies making brands strong and recognizable. I have planned campaigns of all types and seen success throughout what I have done, but I have always done it with the restriction of using certain media that was sold by that company. This has been the birth of SMART Marketing & Media, LLC. I want to help my clients succeed by using the right tools for their budgets. The solutions are almost unlimited. Whatever you need and want for your business, I am here to make it happen.
On the personal side, my other passions include my faith and my daughter. As a Christian, I rely upon a Holy Advisor. It is through the power of Christ that I am strengthened to help others in the ways I do. (Phil 4:13). Of the many blessings I have received in my life, my daughter has been the greatest of these outside of my salvation. Alexandra is now an adult and is starting her own life's adventure. By far, she is my greatest accomplishment and her joy is my greatest reward.